Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Freshly Picked Seed Packets

Mini Seed packets made in honor of Earth Day for the Cricut Circle Crop I went to in late April when they came to Kansas City.  I ended up giving it to Shannon the totally cool host from Cricut that couldn't quit doting over them and how cute they were, and since I didn't make enough for everyone, Shannon was the Lucky one who took them home and showed them off at the Cricut Office in Utah and said they were a BIG hit with everyone.


  1. How cool that Shannon loved them enough to show them off! What an honor!

  2. Thanks Michelle! You are right! :) I was so very honored and feel it is one of the best compliments one can get... never figured she would take them to work, so when I recieved the card from her telling me about it I was extremely excited & proud...
